First of all, I had no idea how long and difficult of a process it was to come up with the plot for Star Wars.  When I watch a movie, I sometimes think the concepts and ideas in the movie are easy and I sometimes even think I could have come up with them.  However, realistically there is a lot more that goes into the plot than most people, especially me, realize.  Star Wars is just another example.

Secondly, I thought it was inspirational how much Lucas had riding on the success of Star Wars.  Although many people doubted its success, Lucas knew all along that he could make it work.  If I were in Lucas’s situation, I don’t know if I would have stuck with the film as long as he did.  It is very hard to stick with an idea unless you have the support of everyone around you.  Luckily for Lucas, he had the perseverance to stick with it.